How do we explain CDPS to one of our relatives? Or someone who hasn’t heard of us before? Visual Designer, Josh Rousen, explains the need for a brand refresh
Finding and starting a new job doesn’t need to be a difficult experience if you are offered the right support says Poppy Evans, our Associate Delivery Manager.
I was actively seeking a new opportunity when I was approached on LinkedIn by a recruiter on behalf of the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS).
After the workshop that aimed to make content about services and benefits more consistent and easier to navigate, our Head of User-Centred Design, Jo Goodwin, talks about what comes next
We are working with Digital Health and Care Wales on two parts of the Digital Medicines Transformation Portfolio (DMTP). One of the pieces of work we’re supporting is related to ‘secondary care’. It involves CDPS and DMTP working together with health boards and NHS Trusts to improve the way medicine is prescribed in Welsh hospitals.
What we’ve learnt from working with Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW), visiting pharmacies and GP practices and speaking to people who need medicine.