Task: Thick/thin questions
You are part of a team designing an application to help people make healthier food choices. Create one thin and two thick questions you could ask in an interview.
Examples of thin questions:
- How often do you eat takeaway food?
- Do you want to change your eating habits?
- Would you like to eat healthier?
- Do you currently eat healthy food?
- Do you like to cook at home?
- What is the hardest thing about healthy eating?
- Do you eat at least 5 fruits/vegetables a day?
- Is the time it takes to prepare fresh food a consideration for healthy eating?
- Do you look at the labels when you are doing food shopping?
- Would a picture sway you when making an alternative healthy choice?
- What did you eat yesterday?
- What did you eat for your last breakfast/lunch/dinner?
Examples of thick questions:
- What stops you from making healthy choices now?
- How would you describe your relationship with food?
- What do you consider to be a healthy/balanced diet?
- Tell me about your experience with healthy living.
- Describe what your weekly food shopping consists of.
- What steps do you take currently to ensure you eat healthy?
- What would your daily diet look like?
- Can you describe what draws you to select a healthy alternative for a meal?
- How do you eat during a normal day?
- What do you eat on an average day?
- What do you understand as a balanced diet?
- What types of healthy food do you like to eat?
- Why is healthy eating important?
- What do you consider a healthy food choice?
- What do you think is important to make healthy food choices?
- What do you put in your shopping trolley?
- What do you like to eat?
- Describe an image that would draw you to a healthy choice.
- What do you consider to be healthy food?
- What kind of support would you like to enable you to make healthier food choices?