The Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard (ATRS) provides a standardised way of recording and sharing information about the algorithmic tools you use in an open, understandable, easily accessible, and free format.

It records information about:

  • how your algorithmic tool works
  • how it’s incorporated into your decision-making process
  • what problem you’re aiming to solve by using the tool
  • your justification or rationale for using it
  • who owns and has responsibility for the tool

Our recommendation

Following discussions, the group is recommending that the Welsh public sector adopts the ATRS to be transparent and accountable in its application of automation and artificial intelligence.

Organisation should use the ATRS to prompt discussions and conversations within their organisations to ensure they have answers to the above points.

There’ll be no mandate to submit a completed return, but we can support anybody who does want to publicise their returns either with the Responsible Technology Adoption Unit or in a Welsh register.

Share your views

  • Is it useful?
  • How practical is it to follow?
  • Is this something your organisation could adopt?
  • Is there anything that would make it more relevant to your organisation?
  • Would you want to publish your returns?
  • Would you require any additional support to use it?

Provide any feedback to by emailing