We said we’d gather insight into digital inclusion activities across Wales and make recommendations based on findings

Digital transformation in Wales will fail to the degree that it leaves some people behind. CDPS’s digital inclusion mapping project, carried out on behalf of the Welsh Government, picks up on a particular thread of the Digital Landscape Review – how accessible digital public services are to all residents of Wales. 

The goal of this project is to produce a directory of digital inclusion activity across Wales. The directory will give us an opportunity to spot similar inclusion activities and see if they could be joined up. Along with CDPS, the project’s main stakeholders are Welsh Government Prosperous Future and the Digital Inclusion Programme Board.

In numbers

Gifting, loaning or heavily discounted devices 858
Supporting people to develop basic digital skills or essential digital skills for work 229
Ensuring everyone can access and afford broadband and mobile data 7
General support 206


5.8.1 Digital inclusion: a detailed view

CDPS mapped digital inclusion activities in Wales across each area of the project’s scope:

  • broadband and data
  • devices
  • accessibility, including affordability
  • basic digital skills
  • confidence and motivation

The digital inclusion team spoke to 18 organisations about how they were improving digital inclusion in Wales. From this and further research, they created a single directory covering digital inclusion activities in Wales over the past 2 years. The directory will allow people to find inclusion activities in their area and see what other parts of the country are doing.

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