3 December 2020

Sally Meecham has been appointed interim CEO for the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS).

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Digital transformation expert, Sally Meecham, has been appointed to lead the Centre through its alpha phase supporting improvements in digital public service delivery across Wales.

Sally has held various senior digital transformation roles in the private, public and third sector. Recent roles include; Director of Digital Public Services programme, Welsh Government, COO Cabinet Office/Government Digital Service, Chief Digital and Technology Officer at Crown Commercial Service, Digital Advisor Essex County Council and Chief Digital Advisor at Defra.

She has delivered a number of highly successful digital inclusion programmes over the past 15 years and is passionate and proactive about getting more inclusion and diversity into the digital, data and technology profession.

As interim CEO Sally will focus on delivery of the alpha phase of the programme and the plan, remit and commitment to continue the work of the Centre beyond March 2021 ensuring Wales has a central body to lead and support digital in Wales.

The Centre will ensure the Welsh public sector has the skills, knowledge and capabilities to deliver digitally transformed services that meet the needs and expectations of the user. It will attract new opportunities and investment to Wales by showcasing the joined-up, multi-organisational and digitally capable approach of our public service in Wales.