This year, we’ve been working on a live experiment of a Digital Sharing Hub – a brand new proof of concept repository of information uploaded by the public sector for the public sector. It’s a growing library of examples of best practice and user-led digital transformation of public services happening in Wales and elsewhere.

What we’ve done so far

As we’ve been preparing for launch, we carried out user testing to ensure their needs were being met and ran a show and tell demonstrating how the hub will work.

We put together a research plan to test our assumptions, which asked the following questions:

  • do you think there’s a need for having resources easily accessible in one place for Welsh public services?
  • would you use the digital sharing hub and recommend it to colleagues?

7 people participated in our research which was a 1.5-hour session. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews and moderated usability testing. We tested the user journeys including language conversion and finding and uploading resources.

“It'll be better because it'll have everything in one place rather than having 20 Google search windows open.”

Next steps

Our next steps are to launch the minimum viable product and work with a supplier to make improvements to user interaction, content, and system access.

We will also be encouraging our communities of practice to use the digital sharing hub, collect their feedback and then iterate.

We will work with the Welsh Local Government Association, NHS Wales, and Welsh Government to further develop the hub.

How it meets our objectives

CDPS’s objectives:

Objective 1: Supporting the leadership and culture amongst public service leaders to drive good digital policy making and support digital transformation.

Objective 4: Using the output of the landscape review to shape CDPS priorities now and in future, with a particular focus on collaboratively solving shared sectoral, or geographical, issues and concerns.

Objective 5: Continuing to promote shared use of the technologies and create and embed common and shared standards in digital, data and technology.

The Five Ways of Working – Well-being of Future Generations Act

  • Long-term
  • Integration
  • Involvement
  • Collaboration
  • Prevention

7 well-being goals – Well-being of Future Generations Act

  • A prosperous Wales
  • A more equal Wales
  • A Wales of more cohesive communities
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • A globally responsible Wales